Saturday, June 20, 2009


Last night, I was counting and singing my ABCs before bed, so mommy and daddy decided to go video on me. It was fun (and stalled my bedtime about 20 minutes :-) )

Here is me counting up a storm!!!

I got a little help this time. And I let mommy know I was not interested in saying my ABCs. It was 1-2-3 time!

ABC Time...

The ABCs got boring, so I decided to switch it up mid way through!

Friday, June 12, 2009

My First Haircut!!!

Hey y'all!

After 832 days in this wonderful world (or for you math whizzes...19,968 hours, or 1,198,080 minutes, or 71,884,800 seconds) Mommy took me to get my first haircut today!!!
You may remember, but I entered this world pretty much bald. I am a month and a 1/2 old here...
And my hair took it's sweet time year old here...Lately though, my hair has been a little out of control. This is from a trip to Lowes a couple weeks ago...

I have been complaining lately about having my bangs in my eyes. They were almost touching my nose. That has all been taken care of now...check out my new doo!!!