Sunday, February 17, 2013

Boosterthon Fun

My school had their first fundraiser.... It wasn't selling wrapping paper... It wasn't selling cookie dough.... It wasn't selling oranges.... It was a fun run.... I had to get pledges for running laps.. They wanted us to run 25-35 laps....

 With the help of Daddy sneaking me gatorade as I came around each lap, guess how many laps I finished??

Here I am a the end, with 37 laps finished!!! I'm a running rock star!!!!

Love Day

We Mustache You a Question???
Will You be our Valentine?

Father Daugther Dance

I had my first Daddy Daughter Dance for Valentine's Day. Here I am with my first love...
  My second love...

My third, and currently favorite, love....


We had to capture the goofy shot....
Before, I'd let Mommy have the picture perfect shot:)

 Love you now and always Daddy!!! XOXOXOX