I did it! After a month or so of "skooching" and doing the Army crawl, I finally crawled for real on Sunday! Boy was it fun.
Dad and I were playing with the Cracker Barrel checker pieces in the study when I did my standard army crawl to get to one. He called mom in, I guess to show her how I could do that. Well, I figured I would surprise them, and make their day. Dad laid me a few feet from the checker pieces, I got up on my hands and knees, and took 5 or 6 crawling steps! Boy did I surprise mom and dad! They were so proud of me. I was happy that they both got to see me crawl for the first time.
I practiced even more yesterday. Soon, I'll be a pro and mom and dad won't be able to let me out of their site. I have noticed that dad has done some baby-proofing. I am sure that there are some things I can still get into.
In other developmental news, I can now sit up on my own. That is fun. Yesterday after a nap, I sat up in my crib and waited for dad to come and get me. He liked that. I thought it was fun too.
I should be able to post more pictures soon...maybe even some video too. Dad FINALLY bought a new computer last night. It should all be set up by the first of December.
That is all the new news for now. I can't wait for some Thanksgiving turkey!!!!
Love, Annabelle