Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A few other pics

We have not gotten our new PC yet. But dad just figured out his work laptop has memory card slots...GENIOUS!!! Love, Annabelle

Here are a couple pics from Halloween that are much more clear than his cell phone pics below...

GO HOKIES!!!! Werd!


Jilian said...

You almost look like a slim baby in that last pic :)

Uncle Todd and I miss you lots already!!

Anonymous said...

We wish you and your Mommy & Daddy were coming up for Thanksgiving;
hopefully, we will get some time with you before Kindergarten starts!
Love, Cousins Jere, Penni, Brittany & Meredith

Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!! Annabelle, you are tooo cute! GO HOKIES!!!!
Love, Diane (Your mommy's grand big sis) :)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.