Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa Claus!!!

Last Monday, Mommy and Daddy took me to see some guy named Santa Claus. He was old, and seemed to have misplaced his razor about three years ago. He was a jolly ole fella though, and was very nice to me.

For some reason, he was at the mall, and there were a bunch of other kids of all sizes waiting in line to see him. Here is dad driving me into the mall in my new stroller. I like it, because now I can look around and see everything!

Santa better bring me what I asked for, or he'll get a knuckle sandwich! Momma said knock you out!
He kept asking me if I have been naughty or nice? Heck, I don't know! So I told him, "both." Daddy took this picture.
And here is the "official" Santa picture. Maybe next year I'll smile too. :-)
If you want to see our family (with Santa) as dancing elves, click here.
Merry Christmas! Love, Annabelle

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