Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Do you know how many Elmos there are in Wal-Mart? I do!!!

I luv Elmo, (s)he’s my new BFF. I don’t watch Sesame Street, don’t even know where that street is. I have a Tickle Me Elmo, but I don’t play with him, I just sit him on my potty to keep it warm until I want to sit there. But recently, I was bitten by the Elmo Bug or some kid slipped Elmo potion in my milk at Wee School.

Mommy took me to Wal-Mart the other day and I thought it would be fun to play Where’s Elmo, so every time I saw Elmo, I would say Elmo over and over and over again. A couple of times I could tell mommy thought I was making it up, but then she’d look up and there Elmo would be.

We weren’t even in the toy section and I was able to find Elmo in dozens of places: on glasses in house wares, on sneakers in the shoe department, on balloons in the deli, on cards in the stationary department, even on toys at the checkout. Elmo was even on underwear in the lil’ kids section. Because I was so good at pointing out Elmo (or because mommy wanted me to stop repeating Elmo over and over and over again) she bought me a pack of Elmo underwear (for when I start using the potty and stop letting Elmo use it).

I was so happy, I talked about Elmo all the way home. When we got home, mommy let me have my Elmo underwear and I put all 7 pair on (1 pair on my head and the other 6 pair on my arms as bracelets, of course). There was no way I was taking my Elmo underwear off, so I got to eat dinner with them on. I think Elmo ate more than I did though, my green beans kept disappearing.

Then it was time for bath. And you know it – Elmo got to take a bath with me. Playing with Elmo underwear in the bathtub is way more fun than any tub toy. It was a great day.

If you are wondering, I am still looking for Elmo most of the day, every day.

I love my new Elmo doll that mommy got me. (S)he likes to bite my fingers.

Elmo underwear makes for a great skull cap, don't ya think?

I think Elmo needs to go potty.

Hmmmm...I think this Elmo underwear may not be Elmo's size.
But it can be a necklace instead!!! Don't you just love my underwear bracelets???

Someday, I'll learn how to put this Elmo underwear on!
But for now, they can be leg warmers.


Jilian said...

Who said you needed actual 'toys' to provide hours and hours of entertainment!

I love the Elmo bracelets :)

Anonymous said...

I love the new Elmo accessories and W&M shirt! -PB

Anonymous said...

Grandma loves the new Elmo wardrobe almost as much as she loves her little angel!

larline said...

She is just way too cute. I think Mickey needs equal time - bring her here and she'll say Elmo Who? We love to hear all of Annabelle's tales!