Thursday, February 18, 2010

Current Annabelle’isms

Note: Since context is everything, the ‘isms are followed by a translation for the reader

“My nose is crunchy” (I’ve got boogers)

“You can’t have girl scout cookies Daddy, they are for girls”

To entice AB to enjoy her dinner, AKA Eat It, we often tell her how good certain foods are for her. Such as carrots are good for your eyes or cheese makes your hair grow long and pretty. Tonight at dinner, AB asked “what does yogurt make on girls”

“More brussel sprouts please” (Mom might not be making much progress as a health educator at work, but she’s making it at home apparently)

While eating gummy bears, we asked AB “what do they taste like?” She replied “little bears”.

“Princesses don’t wear pants” (AB is going through a princess phase where the only thing she will wear are her dress up clothes, unless she is playing Jasmine, who wears pants)

“Princesses don’t eat dinner. They only eat snacks”.

Dad – “Hey Annabelle” AB’s reply – “I am not Annabelle right now. I am Cinderella”

OK mom and dad! Stop hijacking MY blog. It is my turn now! Here are some recent pics of Princess Cinderella/Tiana/Jasmine/Aurora/Tinkerbell/Ariel...AKA ME!!!

"Hugging" lil buddy...or giving him a headlock.

I love my lil bro!

Making "pampakes" just like daddy!

Being silly wearing my princess gloves on my feet.

Mmmm...this snow tastes good.


Unknown said...

The princess phase lasts a while from what I hear. Enjoy it while you can!

Jilian said...

Ha - You let her know yogurt helps girls avoid yeast infections right??

JG Spot On said...

AB is a little genius!
Pretty soon she'll be outsmarting all of us.
Eli looks just like his daddy in the second photo from the top, just with darker eyes.

Anonymous said...

Ya I thought about that Jil, but decided against it, given she's in the phase of "why, how come, why, where's that, why, why, why". Just wasn't sure I could toddler'ese all the benefits of yogurt. So I just stuck with it makes for nice skin or something easy like that. We'll let Aunt Jily fill her in on the health benefits of acidophilus!