Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a birthday!

Wow! What a great 3rd birthday I had. It was so much fun! Thank you to everyone for the phone calls, cards, well wished, and presents! Here are a few pics from tonight!

I got my first computer! Now I don't have to mess up daddy's. I know he likes that! Hopefully I can play with princess on my new one. If not, I can play on daddy's too. Eli liked watching me open presents.
Sleeping Beauty (AKA Aurora) called me to wish me a happy birthday. As you can see from the look on my face, I really liked that!
Me with the traditional Fitty birthday party hat on!!!
I loved my birthday!!! Can I have another one tomorrow?
Blowing out my three candles! I even got to put the candles on the cake all my myself!
Mmmmmmm...mommy made me a special strawberry birthday cake. Thank you, mommy! As you can see from the pics earlier today, it was a day full of sugar :-) I am afraid mommy and daddy may detox me for a few days. I better sleep good for them tonight. Then I can have more cake tomorrow...maybe I can bargain my way into some for breakfast ;-)
After my bath, I got to open more presents!

After all the excitement today, I am tired. I can't wait to play with my new doll house tomorrow and have a tea party with mommy.

Thank you again everybody!

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