Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Recent Words of Wisdom

...aka Annabellisms!!!

"Yesternight" - same as yesterday, but nighttime

"I don't know how to play house, I only know how to play princesses"


While on vacation, "we need to take the stairs, so I can get my exercise"

Sign beside the elevator "In case of fire in elevator, use stairs"

While feeding Eli,
"That's my ketchup spoon"
Mommy "what do you do with a ketchup spoon"
AB " put ketchup to my mouth"
Of course, shouldn't we all be eating ketchup by the spoonful

At breakfast
AB "What juice is this"
Mommy - Grapefruit juice
AB" It don't taste like grapes"

"maybe the money fairies will put more money in my piggy bank and it will be so full. "

"Some people think french fries are made from potatoes, but french fries are made of french fries."

AB: How older is Daddy?
Mommy; He's 33
AB: He's a big girl like me.

while scratching her leg..."look, I have fur!"

1 comment:

Jilian said...

AB makes me smile :)