Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My First Day of School!

Hello friends!

Today was my first day of school! I am going to a pre school at a local church on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 - 1. It is a lot of fun! My teachers are real nice and I have 8 new friends! We get to do crafts together, play on the playground, and play games together. My room even has a sandbox AND a dress up corner with PRINCESS dresses!!! That is my favorite part.

Here are a couple pics daddy took this morning before he dropped me off. I was so excited once I got in my classroom, I forgot to say bye to him. My teacher reminded me to say bye, then it was off to play!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When Animals Attack - Sibling Edition

Hello my people out there on the WWW.

I learned a valuable lesson yesterday, as you can see in the picture below. Little buddy is in that stage where he tries to put everything in his mouth or bite something. When he is crawling around and gets close to mom, dad, or me, he opens his mouth wide like a lion attacking his prey. I do tell him "no bite" just like mom and dad do. They have been telling me when he does that to just get away from him, but sometimes (well, most of the time) I don't listen.

Yesterday, Eli and I were playing, and I wanted to give him a kiss. I thought he was coming in to give me a slobbery kiss like he enjoys to give me. Boy did I miscalculate! He tried to take a chunk out of me like my face was made out of a fudge brownie! It HURT!!!!

Mommy made me feel better though, and I forgave Eli right away. No use getting made at him, right? I'll save that for a few more years.

I kind of like my mark is cute, right?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Recent Words of Wisdom

...aka Annabellisms!!!

"Yesternight" - same as yesterday, but nighttime

"I don't know how to play house, I only know how to play princesses"


While on vacation, "we need to take the stairs, so I can get my exercise"

Sign beside the elevator "In case of fire in elevator, use stairs"

While feeding Eli,
"That's my ketchup spoon"
Mommy "what do you do with a ketchup spoon"
AB " put ketchup to my mouth"
Of course, shouldn't we all be eating ketchup by the spoonful

At breakfast
AB "What juice is this"
Mommy - Grapefruit juice
AB" It don't taste like grapes"

"maybe the money fairies will put more money in my piggy bank and it will be so full. "

"Some people think french fries are made from potatoes, but french fries are made of french fries."

AB: How older is Daddy?
Mommy; He's 33
AB: He's a big girl like me.

while scratching her leg..."look, I have fur!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More stuff from my mind...

"Does Buddy have any bones left" - She was really asking if Eli had any biter biscuits left...apparently they look like bones to her.

While eating blueberries...
Mommy - Where did those blueberries go?
AB - Into my mouth
Mommy - Then where?
AB - Into my throat
Mommy - Then where?
AB - Into my stomach
Mommy - Then where?
AB - Into my toes

Monday, June 7, 2010



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I am a meterologist

"Daddy, the man on the radio just told me what the weather is going to be, so you don't have to watch the weather on TV anymore."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Picture Post

Hello friends.

Our computer has been on the fritz lately. Hopefully daddy can get it all fixed soon. Here are a couple recent pics...

Getting ready to go swimming at the hotel pool!
Daddy likes this pic.
I got to sit in the fire truck with lovey when the firemen came to the house. When I learned they were coming to fix the beeping in the house, I had to find my fire hat and put it on. The firemen really liked it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

More Annabelle Thoughts

After dad got home from work today...
"Did you take your nap at work?"

Daddy - “Have you tried your pink grapefruit Annabelle”?
AB- “Will it make me a princess?” After the first bite “actually it’s an orange”

At a stoplight, there was a convertible beside us
Mommy - “Where is the top to that car”?
AB – “He’s gonna get sweaty. New cars don’t have tops”.

AB’s new response - “Nothing I can do about that” (think she must have picked that up from Mommy and Daddy)

After finishing ice cream on a sunny afternoon
AB – “I’m still not full. I need more treat.”
Mommy – "How about lizard legs with yogurt sauce”
AB – “That will make me sick though. I need a regular treat”

The day after a skinned knee, AB removed the ban-daid and said
“The bambade turned my boo boo colors”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Things I say

AB to Daddy: You need to call Chrissy.
Daddy: Who is Chrissy?
AB: Chrissy is my mom.
Daddy: Why do I need to call Chrissy?
AB: She needs to come home because Eli is crying.
Daddy: Ohhhh.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Marker Eyes

This is what happens when daddy is not watching me closely...heheheheh...

Friday, March 5, 2010

My First Story

Scribed by Mommy, narrated by Annabelle

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Annabelle and her was a princess. She lived in a castle, Dat Dat castle. She liked to walk. One day her went out and see it's rainy. So she met a prince. They danced. Then they go home. They danced on the way. They played when they got home. Annabelle and the prince ate cheese sticks. They lived happily ever after. The End.

Watch out Golden Book, I've got a knack for writing children's stories!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a birthday!

Wow! What a great 3rd birthday I had. It was so much fun! Thank you to everyone for the phone calls, cards, well wished, and presents! Here are a few pics from tonight!

I got my first computer! Now I don't have to mess up daddy's. I know he likes that! Hopefully I can play with princess on my new one. If not, I can play on daddy's too. Eli liked watching me open presents.
Sleeping Beauty (AKA Aurora) called me to wish me a happy birthday. As you can see from the look on my face, I really liked that!
Me with the traditional Fitty birthday party hat on!!!
I loved my birthday!!! Can I have another one tomorrow?
Blowing out my three candles! I even got to put the candles on the cake all my myself!
Mmmmmmm...mommy made me a special strawberry birthday cake. Thank you, mommy! As you can see from the pics earlier today, it was a day full of sugar :-) I am afraid mommy and daddy may detox me for a few days. I better sleep good for them tonight. Then I can have more cake tomorrow...maybe I can bargain my way into some for breakfast ;-)
After my bath, I got to open more presents!

After all the excitement today, I am tired. I can't wait to play with my new doll house tomorrow and have a tea party with mommy.

Thank you again everybody!

Birthday Lunch!

After mommy took me to Discovery Place to have a ladies hangout morning, we picked up daddy to go to lunch! My grilled cheese and oranges were yummy! Not as yummy as this strawberry ice cream though! The waitresses even sang to me when they brought it out. That was funny. I am going to take a nap now.

Getting My Birthday Started...

...with a birthday donut (or 2)! I told mom that I don't eat donut skin so I needed another donut :-) She fell for it!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Best Friends

From the mouth of Annabelle...

"Eli is my best friend now. Maybe one day, he can tell funny jokes like Sloane did."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things I Say

"You just have to look with your listening ears."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Current Annabelle’isms

Note: Since context is everything, the ‘isms are followed by a translation for the reader

“My nose is crunchy” (I’ve got boogers)

“You can’t have girl scout cookies Daddy, they are for girls”

To entice AB to enjoy her dinner, AKA Eat It, we often tell her how good certain foods are for her. Such as carrots are good for your eyes or cheese makes your hair grow long and pretty. Tonight at dinner, AB asked “what does yogurt make on girls”

“More brussel sprouts please” (Mom might not be making much progress as a health educator at work, but she’s making it at home apparently)

While eating gummy bears, we asked AB “what do they taste like?” She replied “little bears”.

“Princesses don’t wear pants” (AB is going through a princess phase where the only thing she will wear are her dress up clothes, unless she is playing Jasmine, who wears pants)

“Princesses don’t eat dinner. They only eat snacks”.

Dad – “Hey Annabelle” AB’s reply – “I am not Annabelle right now. I am Cinderella”

OK mom and dad! Stop hijacking MY blog. It is my turn now! Here are some recent pics of Princess Cinderella/Tiana/Jasmine/Aurora/Tinkerbell/Ariel...AKA ME!!!

"Hugging" lil buddy...or giving him a headlock.

I love my lil bro!

Making "pampakes" just like daddy!

Being silly wearing my princess gloves on my feet.

Mmmm...this snow tastes good.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Things I Say

This is a new feature in my little corner of the WWW...I say cute/funny stuff, and then let you all read it...hope you enjoy!

"Daddy is shaving his beard so he can kiss me."